Monday, September 24, 2012

Take the time to notice your accomplishments!

When I lived in Santa Barbara I used to pass by these cute little bungalows with crazy gardens and funny ornaments in the garden. I always wanted to live like that, there was such a sense of freedom combined with an obvious enjoyment of nature. Nothing was perfect but they were still beautiful.

I was randomly weeding my back patio area, which is really all of my backyard, when I suddenly released I had acquired just what I wanted. The house is not quit a bungalow, but I had the crazy garden along with the funny ornaments...I even had a pond!

Those fish may have cost  only .10 cents, but I loved watching the flash of orange in my pond. The table was perfect and very comfortable even without that coat of paint.

Instead of enjoying it I had been stressing over the details. So, the wrought iron table could use a coat of paint, or some of the ornaments are starting to show their age, and it needed some weeding. But who cares! It was not perfect, but it was still that wonderful combination of freedom because of its imperfections with an obvious enjoyment of nature.

I think we subconsciously strive for things we want and because it is subconscious, we sometime miss the fact that we might have it already!

Take the time today to notice those things you have striven for and accomplished. How they have manifested might surprise you....and I would love to hear what they are!

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