Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Finding a journey

About 5 or so years ago I learned I had high cholesterol, which prompted me to start to workout and for those who know me this was a big change. I was never a sporty type, and I hate to sweat. My experience has taught me a few things that I wanted to share, maybe your trip will be shorter because of it.

Throughout the first year I tried different things, the obligatory gym membership, at home videos and so on. I lost some weight, but knew I wasn't really pushing myself.
The second year brought many personal changes and I decided to get a bit more serious. I joined another gym and had one day with a trainer. For a few months I did what she had shown me to do, but I was still not very motivated.
I then joined a closer gym and hired one of their personal trainers, chosen for me based upon my interview, and signed up for once a week personal training. That trainer soon left and I ended up with Levi Lee, current owner of Fit Forward, and he was it . He was exactly what I needed.  If you live near Sugar Hill, GA you MUST check him out Through Levi I meet Jake Williams, who is just as awesome and if you live near Suwanee, you MUST check him out

That journey taught me first.... motivation is everything, and you need to find that motivation. I personally find it in a trainer and a friend. I have learned that I will never push myself as far as a trainer will, ever...I have tried and where training is concerned my brain gives up way too soon. In addition you must have the right form or you can seriously hurt yourself, and hard as they try, no video can ensure you are doing it right, IMHO.

Finally if you do want a trainer you need the right one, and here are my suggestions in finding one:

  • Don't just let a trainer be assigned to you, interview them first to make sure they are the right personality for you, for me that means one with a softer touch. I am not in the army and don't want to be treated like I am. But that's just me, you may be different. Ask them some health questions and make sure their philosophy matches yours, but that it will also challenge you.
  • Ask about their certification and education. There are many certifications and they are all different. I personally would research the certifications too to find out what they certify. Some are stricter than others.
  • Take advantage of the free sessions, that way you can be assured their classes work for you. Also observe how they treat the other customer's, do they take time to answer questions, do they ensure proper form, are they interactive. Are they adjusting the workout for people with physical restrictions. Are they listening to customers if one is expressing concern or hurting.
  • When you do choose your trainer, make an appointment to discuss YOUR goals. You may want to look like Madonna....I don't. They should work with you based upon what you want to achieve. This may change over time so be sure to keep the communication going.
  • Don't sign a contract until you have done all the above and know you are completely comfortable with the trainer you choose.
Above all else the cliche of "listen to your body" is true, if something is really hurting stop and talk to your trainer or doctor to make sure it is nothing major. You may feel a bit like a complainer at first but over time you will learn what is "good hurt" and what is "bad hurt".

This is not meant to be the end all be all so, if you have a suggestion please do share!

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